Monday 19 January 2015

A fresh start

*stretching hands*
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious Most Merciful.

Alhamdulillah, this is it. A new start with a new thing for me- writing in a proper medium. 
It has been a long awaited dream to start a blog. Very long indeed. I took time to think why I wanna do this, what I wanna share, the sequences and such. I promise myself to do things with right intention, with strong good reasons. lillahi taala. Please correct me whenever u see me deviate from this. In sha Allah, may this medium be another way to increase my akhirah investment and be a reason for me to check in the highest place in heaven. 

In this blog, you my little cikenet readers, have to expect... ok don't expect. Just read what's written okayy XD. I may rumble about my dentistry life, about recipes I experimented, about little-tiny-cute-spongy brain homo sapien around me (YES I love to bully kids!), about the places I go and maybe life experience (may not be that much since I eat little salt just yet :p). Yup, the first two would be the main things. See the blog title lah :) And basically it's gonna be sharings about what I love. In sha Allah it won't be just a writing, I'll make sure dear readers will get a beneficial information (or maybe two) when reading my entries.

Till next post.
Assalamualaikum dunia :)